
Clueless Movie Reviews: “The Spectacular Now”

The Spectacular Now is as effortlessly charming as its lead character, Sutter Keely, played by actor Miles Teller in his debut lead role. it’s flawed, certainly, but the film’s earnest, honest portrayal of love, relationships, and self-discovery in late adolescence is well-crafted enough to allow forgiveness of the film’s shortcomings.

Clueless Movie Reviews: “Jobs”

Jobs is an ambitious effort at a biopic, as it bravely attempts to capture the complex, idiosyncratic personality that was Apple’s visionary founder, Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, it falls short in its ambitions due to a script that more speech than dialogue and to the actor at the center of the film, Ashton Kutcher.

Clueless Movie Reviews: “We’re The Millers”

Yes, you can tell where We’re the Millers is going to end up by the end pretty much from the start of the film. But that doesn’t mean that just about everything between start and finish isn’t hilarious. It may not be the most innovative comedy of the year, but it is certainly one of the funniest.

Clueless Movie Reviews: “2 GUNS”

2 Guns works very hard to keep you guessing about who and what its characters really are and what’s really going on. It’s a shame, really, because all that effort in keeping the audience confused along with too little action or real characterization results in a utterly forgettable film, despite the best scene-chewing efforts of its A-List cast.

Clueless Movie Reviews: “The Wolverine”

What makes “The Wolverine” such a profound improvement over the last Wolverine solo adventure and such a solidly entertaining film is the trust that cast, director, and producers finally place in the ability of the character to completely carry a thrilling, satisfying cinematic story without the aid of lots of superfluous mutant characters and plot contrivances.